
Daphne Loves Derby...

No more silliness. It's not about being angry or bitter. I've gotten hurt too many times to try and fight the obvious. It's not my thing. I'm walking away from possibilities that usually end in heartbreaks. I've decided to stop counting how many corners I'm going to back myself into or how many situations I'm going to embarrass myself out of to understand how to just live and love like everyone else.
I'm not everyone else. I've never been. I fall in love with every new day, but I won't fall in love with someone.

This, I'm sure, is to free me. An attempt to show me that life is so much better than what people settle for.

To think that girls in love fall so hard that all their dreams and desires slip past them. My dreams are stronger than any relationship i've ever had, and they will never fade. Kisses come and go. Desire for each new day to bring adventure and passion, that lasts as long as I'm alive.
What I'm saying is, I'll never settle for less. I'll never be the girl that gives everything up for love.

All this, these are thoughts of the past month put into words. Most people live and know they were born to do something or be someone. I was born to write, explore, create, and share kindness with the world. Show the world how beautiful life is.

I bought an R.V. about a week ago. I have the biggest life ahead of me.... I'm too giddy to realize what or who I might be missing out on.

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